{m}aganda is going digital!

Hi community,

It is with great excitement that we launch our new website and unveil a new digital component where we plan on releasing both internally produced {m}aganda content as well as externally curated community submissions.

We plan on using this website as extension of our annual print magazine, and we hope to incorporate new forms of digital content and art (videos, vlogs, photography, music, dance) that are more suitable to a web-based platform. This page in particular will be devoted to internally produced content by our {m}aganda members as they share their own creative works and projects throughout the school year. If you are an external contributor interested in being featured on our website, please visit the “community content submissions ” tab under the “contribute” page for updates on how to submit your work.

Here’s to new era of {m}aganda! We can’t wait to embark on this journey with y’all, and we look forward to reading all your submissions!



the phases of the moon: {m}33’s call for submissions