Revisiting “Critical Mass” by {m}28

“Above all, critical mass is about action. It’s time to stop being complacent and start being observant, and see what’s really happening beneath the surface. Listen to the voices that are so often silenced. Do not be afraid to question those in power. And, in looking for answers, do not be afraid to share what you may find.” Nicole Arca {m} 28 Editor-in-chief

The pieces of “Critical Mass” demand to be seen; the simple black and white of the issue let the works speak for themselves. “Critical Mass” is the byproduct of emotional collateral damage from the events that erupted during its conception in 2014 to 2015.

Michael Brown. The Ayotzinapa 43. Freddie Gray. 50 years of the Free Speech Movement. Police Brutality.  

“And today, with the protests in the streets of Baltimore, we are still approaching critical mass.” - {m} 28

In 2020, we are still reckoning with our society. Coronavirus is disproportionately affecting black, brown, and Native communities. The killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd at the hands of police brutality have resurged national outcry for changes like defunding the police and wide spread supportYemen is currently the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, as its people are devastated by both warfare and the coronavirus. Duterte’s anti-terror bill threatens to remove basic freedoms and eliminate dissent under the false pretenses of security. Climate change still remains a problem. The mental strain of activism and processing the effects of coronavirus also attest to the deficiencies of mental health systems. The widespread collaboration, re-education, renunciation, and re-configuration of what we know shows that we are in the midst of reaching critical mass.

There is a danger to looking at all of this and merely sitting with it, recognize that looking at issues should not blind you from looking for good and self-growth as well. Educating yourself but also making peace with the past and recognizing progress is crucial to believing in the future and change. Critical mass in physics is the minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction, but for social movements it is the minimum amount of people needed in a movement to keep it self-sustained and growing.

Come to the movement as a full person and still live to your potential, especially when these systems mean to disregard and dehumanize. There is “powers in numbers” but also in the individuals who make up the masses.

Revisit all of “Critical Mass”



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